hand holding a bowl of rice
April Greiman


“Hand Holding a Bowl of Rice” is a 761.8049 sqm commissioned work showing a large video image by April Greiman translated into oil paint. It is located on two walls of a seven-story mixed-use building at a subway station in Koreatown, Los Angeles, California. The two buildings are at an angle to each other, creating a visual connection between them through the mural.
This is Greiman’s largest physical work.

The Indian goddess Annapurna provides Shiva with rice when all food disappeared from the earth and all living beings were in danger of dying.

Rice is considered a symbol of abundance, as it is used as a staple food by more than half of the world’s population. This also makes it the most consumed grain.

Rice also has the most complex DNA of anything on the planet, even larger than that of our species. It has been used as a model organism for the biology of grasses and is therefore the first plant to have its entire genome mapped. Scientists say that rice contains 37,544 genes, but this figure will be revised with further research. Humans, on the other hand, have 20,000 to 25,000 genes. (kl)

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north_east April Greiman: Hand holding a bowl of rice north_east readymag stories: april greiman north_east Design Indaba: April Greiman: "If you have a good idea there aren't any boundaries."
Objects by April Greiman
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Method → mural
Method mural north_east
hand holding a bowl of rice
april greiman
los angeles
Period around 2007
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