Theo and Nelly van Doesburg (maiden name Nelly van Moorsel; 1899-1975) were the central force in the Dutch flavor of Constructivism, De Stijl. Obvious history has emphasized Theo van Doesburg’s contribution, and he was obviously the bigger show boat, but many images document their collaboration, and after his untimely death in 1931, Nelly continued to publish the De Stijl magazine. The van Doesburgs also performed as a Dada duo on stage (sometimes with Kurt Schwitters) and published the Dada magazine Mecano. Important collaborators are El Lissitzky, Piet Mondrian, Kurt Schwitters, Hans Arp, Sophie Taeuber-Arp and Vilmos Huszar. Theo van Doesburg (1883-1931) was an influential force on the early Bauhaus where he wanted to teach, and failing this offered classes from his apartment in Weimar. His low opinion of the Bauhaus is well documented in Mecano and in a postcard written to Antony Kok in 1921. Nelly van Doesburg remained involved in the art world (e.g. she remained close with the Arps, or her association with Peggy Guggenheim) organizing exhibitions of Theo van Doesburg’s work.